
Hope Springs Eternal in a Mindless World

Thursday, October 4, 2007

They Frown When You Up

I have tried my best to not re-hash any of the million other stories relating to the infamous Michael Vick, but after countless stories on every eye that he bats or step that he takes I wanted to write something. Not about him, but about the people that claim that he is the worse person to ever walk the face of the earth. You can go to ESPN, Fox Sports, CNN or any other website and read countless posts in the comment section about how death is to good for this man and how he is a coward, punk or whatever the people can think of to say about and describe him. I can't get down with what Vick did in the least, but I was always told to be careful how you judge someone else as that is the same stick that you will be judged by. I have heard many others make this same statement, but I also truly believe that all the people that are so hateful to a guy that they have never met, would not and will not have any impact on their lives outside of maybe their Fantasy Football season have lost some of their own humanity and self respect in their reactions toward him.

I read an article where a minor league baseball team in Minnesota handed out dog toys made in the resemblance of Vick for all in attendance on fan appreciation night. Here in Atlanta a sports bar planned on clearing out the parking lot, dumping all the Vick paraphernalia that they could find and inviting all dog lovers and people who own dogs to bring them down so they can "let nature call" on all of the items placed in the lot. What is so wrong in your life that would make you feel the need to do this? Will this really change what has taken place with this man? Is this what you really need to feel better about your own life? Even the Animal Humane Society got in on the act using all the Vick jerseys they could find to line the dog litters. This is a professional and corporate entity, shouldn't they be above the stupidity and pettiness to work on the same level as a person that has been called "barbaric," "primitive" and "animalistic?" Above and beyond the extortion tactics of stating in Atlanta's own AJC that if Vick were to give them 20 million dollars they would not petition the NFL to keep him out of the league after his time is served!

I can remember growing up listening to UGK and they had the phrase, "They Frown when you up and Smile while your Down, and if you change for the better shiest friends stop coming around!" I have always taken that phrase to heart but never have seen this to the extent that I see it in the world today.

I understand that people love their animals and what Vick did was inexcusable. He is now and will be punished for what he has done. I just beg everyone else not to lose their humanity in the madness of this all! When news of the Vick fiasco first hit, all over the radio you had concerned parents claiming they were distraught because now they had to go and explain to their kids how much bad a person Vick is and how terrible a thing he has done, but the words and reactions of people in the public are just as damning to a child as anything this one man could have possibly done. What do you say to your child when you put a shirt on them with the words WE HATE? So you teach your kids to hate a person now? He is not Stalin, He is not a politician! We always claim that atheletes are the bain of society, while constantly ignoring the scandals on Capitol Hill. For every Michael Vick, there is a Senator Larry Craig, a Tom Ley, a Karl Rove; these are supposed to be the educated ones who affect the lives of all Americans and are assigned to represent the values and moral compass of our nation to the world. Vick is known for having fast feet and a strong arm, he didn't major in Political Law or Ethics 101.

Most of America wants to believe that atheletes are dumb jocks playing a kids game, but we cry with so much outrage when they make bad, sometimes very bad decisions. Where is the logic in this? While Some are rejoicing and some are crying, I task each and every one of us to look within ourselves and not others for what is right or wrong in our lives and to focus on us and not rejoice in others downfalls.

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