
Hope Springs Eternal in a Mindless World

Friday, September 21, 2007

Back Like I never Left

I am sorry about the long time in between blogs, but sometimes life takes the forefront and you have to re-prioritize things for a second. I am back now and plan on updating the site on a more regular basis with insightful and timely info on what's going on.

As you all know Jena 6 has been heavy in the news lately with a culmination of events taking place yesterday in Jena with many rallies and demonstrations. At first I was nervous about haphazardly allowing any and everybody on the buses to embark on this journey, but I am glad and very proud of how everyone addressed the situation. By "showing up" and not "showing out," the people involved have caused for the awareness to be heightened on this and hopefully other situations like it. Just because that little town in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi or wherever is not named Jena, does not mean that this cannot happen in that town. Now comes the real work as we must began addressing and teaching people how this situation can be avoided in the future and the main objectives that need to be in progress.

We also have the situation with Donovan McNabb speaking on the state of the Black Quarterback and all those that agree and dispute his notion that Black Quarterbacks are criticized harsher than others. I don't know how everyone else feels, but since 9/11 it seems as if the climate and mood of this country has turned darker and darker to like we are reverting back to the Segregation days. I happened to be listening to A.M. radio yesterday and stumbled upon the "Neal Boortz show" and he was talking about being in France and the fact that the french love their dogs and allow dogs in restaurants. Well he continued talking about how beautiful it would be in America if dogs were allowed to eat at restaurants, and that an added benefit to "Americans" would be that Muslims would refuse to eat or go in to those restaurants and you would no longer have to eat in the presence of them. When did ones religion automatically make them Un-American?

Just a little food for thought as we began to discuss and debate somethings that are going on in the world today and how it affects us. Thanks for supporting us and look out as this will be a very exciting time!

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